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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ephraim's Northwest Side

A local chapel here; a new one in Ephraim.It might as well be in Sandy, Utah, or Bellingham, Washington for all its local flavor and local participation in  construction.
Ah, the 'global' corporation does quite a job of keeping the church comfortable and homogenous...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Went down to the Escalante Plateau with the family and pulled to the side to photograph this architectural anomaly in Antimony. The chapel build seems to have gone in three phases over a span of at least seventy five years judging from the additions and materials.
Some geometric parallelism between that Park City model below and this lowly steeple, no?
Beautiful place, Antimony, on the whole.
I wonder what's in that grand old steeple room...